Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Arena details

Arena details

The chosen arena is from Arenas 2 - from the Kickstarter - Pershing Arena in Lincoln Nebraska. It has eight gates already so it fits the format perfectly.

A big thank you to entrant and Patreon William Tetley for drawing this out electronically!

Outside walls are 50 DP and 15' high. Solid obstacles are 100 DP each, 10' high and fixed in place. The six bunkers are 4' high, blocking all weapons fire except for turrets, and have 25 DP. Pedestrians can stand behind one and fire braced across it, gaining a -2 to hit from those on the other side. A pedestrian that has not fired yet this turn can drop behind it and be completely hidden.

Gates are 25 DP each and slide left to right (as coming into the arena). They take 2 turns to open or close.

The turrets each have an ATG in each to discourage breaking the rules. The only time they will fire in this event is if a player makes it known they are conceding and someone fires on them anyway. In that event, the ATG will fire (Gunner +3, stationary firing). If someone concedes but then decides to fire, they will be fired upon. Note that if someone concedes they will be worth zero points in a kill. They will likewise NOT be able to score points, but are welcome to try and take out the competition (at the risk of ATG fire...).

Car Wars is a registered trademark of Steve Jackson Games, and the art here is copyrighted by Steve Jackson Games. All rights are reserved by SJ Games. This material is used here in accordance with the SJ Games online policy.

Steve Jackson Games

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