All three remaining players fire this turn... This is going to be interesting...
T18P2 - Combat
John triggers his VMG, aiming at Martin's back left tire. He needs a 10 to connect... 6 6 - hit! Damage is 1 5. The wheel is NOT destroyed.
Menoth aims his twin forward lasers at Martin as well, targeting his front. He needs a 5...
First one - hit on a 3 3 for 3 5 6 damage. This is dropped to 7 due to the LR Metal, which absorbs some of the blast and is reduced. The plastic takes the rest and is not breached.
Second laser - hit on a 4 6 for 6 6 3 damage. This time the LR Metal drops it to 7 and is destroyed - the plastic underneath is also destroyed and some damage goes internal.
Martin's Driver had already lined up a shot on Menoth's Front with his Twin Medium Lasers. He needs a 4 to hit.
First one hits on a 3 6 for 5 5. Metal stops some and the FP plastic underneath stops the rest but is destroyed in the process.
Second one his on a 6 5 for 3 4. Metal stops some and the rest goes internal.
As for hazards - Menoth drops debris and takes a hazard - no control roll needed.
Martin drops an obstacle and takes a hazard - no control roll needed.
Turn 18 Phase 3
Holding for...
John(3) - 70(m) - P1 D4(D3) left then straight, P2 D1(D0) left, VMG hits Martin's back left tire
MenothJohn(2) - 15 - P1 NR straight, P2 Twin Lasers destroy Martin's front Metal and Plastic and damage goes internal