Wednesday, July 6, 2016

And it's OVER!

T18P5 - Movement
John moves straight


End of Turn
Joseph & Jeff continue to burn.
Menoth takes a burn mod from Martin's Lasers - 2/0 - 2 4, not on fire. His PP took damage from a Laser so 4 in 6 chance - 3, on fire. No FE - all components take 1 point - he loses his back right wheel. His Flaming Oil Jet took damage from the fire so he explodes on a 1 - 1! BOOM!
Martin has a 2/0 burn mod from Menoth - 5 2, safe. He also took PP damage from a Laser - 4 in 6 chance on fire - 6, safe.

So, Menoth goes out in SPECTACULAR fashion while Martin survives another round...

This puts Martin at 70 points. John can take him out for 40 points, but won't be enough to win. If John is a PED when he does so he would score 80 points, but Martin can simply quit at this point and deny the points.

Martin WINS MH45 in a quick roll of the dice! That being said, I wasn't anticipating this, so I don't have MH46 ready yet... For those that are patrons at the $5 a month level, please let me know what kind of event you'd like to play in... I will start getting things ready...

Congrats to Martin! Extra REP to Menoth for going out in such a fashion! Props to John for surviving to the end and a great showing by the people that decided to continue to fight as PEDs. :-)

Current Turn
John(3) - 60 -
Martin(3) - 10 

Previous Turn
John(3) - 60 - P1 D4(D3) left then straight, P2 D1(D0) left, VMG hits Martin's back left tire, P3 D1(D0) left, P4 D1(D0) left, P5 straight
MenothJohn(2) - 15 - P1 NR straight, P2 Twin Lasers destroy Martin's front Metal and Plastic and damage goes internal, P3 straight 1/2", catches fire and explodes - kill goes to Martin
Martin(3) - 10 - P1 D1 drift left, P2 Twin Medium Lasers breach Menoth's front Plastic (Metal still intact) and damage goes internal

Gate 1 - Joseph - Reflex 6 - NNN - Mid-Sized, Electric PP, Driver only, 4 Tires, Wheel Guards Back, RR in Turret, Spoiler & Airdam, Metal armor over FP Plastic, Back armor breached, Driver Dead

Gate 2 - Gil - Reflex 2 - Corndog Express - Mid-Sized, Electric PP, Driver only, 4 Tires, Wheel Guards Back, 2 Laser Left, 2 Rocket Back, LR Metal over Normal Plastic, 40 points

Gate 3 - Martin - Reflex 3 - More Money Than Brains - Sedan, Electric PP, Driver only (Max Bling), 4 Tires, ML in Turret, 2 ML Front, Dropped Liquid Back, LR Metal over Normal Plastic, 70 points

Gate 4 - MenothJohn - Reflex 2 - Mid-Sized, Electric PP, Driver only, 4 Tires, 2 Laser Front, Oil Dropper Back, 30 points, Metal over FP Plastic, exploded

Gate 5 - Billy - Reflex 1 - Mid-Sized, Electric PP, Driver only, 4 Tires, front left & back right wheel gone, Heavy Laser Front, mobility killed, LR Metal over LRFP Plastic (Metal on Left gone) - Driver Dead

Gate 6 - William - Reflex 1 - The Ox - Luxury, Electric PP, Driver only, 4 Tires (both left wheels gone), 2 RL Front, 10 points

Gate 7 - Jeff - Reflex 0 - Luxury, Electric PP, Driver only, 4 Tires, back right wheel gone, 2 MG in Turret, 2 MG Front, FP Plastic Armor, Left Armor breached, AR Rifle, 40 points

Gate 8 - John - Reflex 3 - Toecutter - Mid-Sized, Electric PP, Driver only, 4 Tires, Guards Front and Back, VMG Top, Dropped Liquid Back, Blades Front, Spoiler & Airdam, LRFP armor

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