T16P1 - Combat
John triggers his VMG, aiming for Martin's front right tire - he also drops Oil J19. He needs an 8 to hit - miss on a 3 3.
William fires the AR at Martin's back left tire again, this time needing a 10 - miss on a 2 3.
Martin targets John with his front ML's - he needs a 10. First misses on a 5 3 - second misses on a 3 4.
Menoth fires his twin lasers at Billy's Ped. He needs a 2, so auto hit. First Laser does 5 2 5 damage, killing Billy's Ped. Menoth scores 10 points for this.
Points are listed below, but here's a recap...
Gil and Jeff are sharing first place with 40 points each
Menoth is a close second with 30 points
Martin is still going and has scored 20 points
William has 10 points and is on foot
John is still dealing out damage but has zero points yet
Turn 16 Phase 2
Martin accelerates to 15
Holding for...
John(3) - 80, P1 D1 left then straight, P1 VMG misses Martin's front right tire - drop Oil J19
William(1) - 0 - Ped - P1 miss Martin's back left tire with AR
Billy(1) - 0 - Ped, P1 start opening car door - P1 Ped killed